DEN Enews

Third and Fourth Weeks of Advent

We light the third candle for Joy

May the Joys of the season reflect the Joy our fragile earth gives you as you breathe the air, bathe in the forests and surround yourself with all its beauty.

We light the fourth candle for Love

We give thanks to Nina Newington for sharing this image posted by Extinction Rebellion Grabndparents & Elders. Love comes into the world at Christmas in the form of the Christ child. We celebrate the gifts of Peace, Hope, Joy but the greatest of these is Love. Imagine our world if we practised these gifts with all of the earth’s people and the earth itself.

Loving God, Lord of heaven and earth,

this earth, our home, belongs to you.

Give us grace to love it as you do.

Give us courage to give ourselves, as you do,

for the good of all people and all of your creation.

Strengthen us to stand, as you do,

with the vulnerable poor.

Give us wisdom to know when we have enough,

and the voice to say “enough”

to all that harms creation and hurts the poorest.

This earth, our home, belongs to you.


Credit: Micah Australia

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