DEN Enews

Sixteenth Week after Pentecost

We love hearing what parishes are doing for the Season of Creation. Last week we reported on the Liturgies planned for the Parish of French Village. This week we are excited to tell you that the Parish of

is posting daily prayers during the Season of Creation. Click on the parish name above to connect with their Facebook page.

For those who don’t care for FB, here is a link to their website:

When DEN asked on Facebook how you were celebrating the Season of Creation, it was great to see this response from Cate Berry:

I’m celebrating by “being IN creation”. Every day I spend time in nature, really seeing the awesomeness of our world. The photo was taken this morning at Morris Lake. Today, I also came across dozens of young children waiting for their school bus. I wished each one of them a great day at school. The smiles said it all.

Inspired by the need for clean water, the need to satisfy the thirsty and the need to reduce plastic, this fountain was installed at Christ Church. It is an incredible ACT to Care for Creation. Kudos to Christ Church, Grace United Church, the Public Good Society of Dartmouth, Feeding Others of Dartmouth Society, and Halifax Regional Municipality. Photo credit to Rev. Kyle Wagner

What is your Parish doing? Please let us know so you can inspire others.

Season of Creation 2024 ---

To hope and act with Creation.

----Come ----

P--- Pray, Peace, Participate, People, Play

R--- Rest, Reflect, Renew, Recreate, Restore

A--- Awe, Affirm, Acquire, Ask,

Y--- Yearn, Yes, YHWH,

 With others on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. to pray, reflection and share our love for all of Creation and Creator.  While we live our lives in acts of justice in care for creation.  Why not take an hour of time for reflection and prayers that nourish our soul for the good work you do.

Topic: DEN Prayers and Reflection Zoom Meeting

Time: Sep 2, 2024    07:00 PM Halifax

 Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 6310 9087

Passcode: 388173 

For more information contact Barr Huether at: [email protected]

With thanks from Kairos Canada

DEN has published petitions on this issue more than once and it is always exciting to report that the concerned actions of citizens has been heard and has made a difference.

Environmental Racism legislation passes into law!

At long last, legislation to address environmental racism received Royal Assent on June 20! KAIROS and its Network advocated for the adoption of Bill C-226 since it was first tabled in the House of Commons in 2022. The Act requires the government to develop Canada’s first national strategy on environmental racism and environmental justice, which KAIROS will monitor in the months and years ahead. To read more:

Here is more Good News from the David Suzuki Foundation:

with thanks to Eva Evans & Jesse Hamilton

with thanks to Claudia Zinck


Why don’t we have this?

Grandma believes in the value of third-world thinking. I have been told so many times that “they” have nothing. They are so poor that “they” have nothing to offer the rest of us.

Then come a few examples of great things “they” are doing somewhere BUT, that is a rarity, right? Hum..! Half Moon Gardens? Pop bottle lighting? Fog fences?

I want to show you what a refugee camp did with plastic.

The before story is about all the garbage being picked up, taken out to the desert and burned. Then along comes this group that empowers locals and helps the planet in one sweep.

Why don’t we have this?

They train people to sort plastic, shred plastic, melt it and turn it into sheets of multicoloured plastic. This plastic is used to make desks, chairs, etc.

The group encourages individual thinking to find more and more uses for the plastic sheets they make. They sell the machinery so others can set up their shops.

Why don’t we have this? Simple, money. The purpose of business is to make a profit. Grinding up plastic and re-purposing does not make big bucks. Wouldn’t it be better to set up shops to make or re-purpose plastic than to take it to a landfill? Couldn’t this be a training facility for those wanting to return to the workforce?

Why not have high schools produce repurposed plastic that they turn into any produce they could sell to raise funds for their school? It could teach all the mechanical skills to create the product and the clerical skills to start a business, all in one class.

For years my community saved bottlecaps. Every few months I piled every inch of my car full and took them to Eastern Passage (90 km away) to a recycler who had a contact that repurposed them.

That project shut down because there was not a place to shred plastic. I spoke with Tammy Harnish from Kaizer Meadow Waste facility. Their facility does not do any plastic grinding, nor has she heard of any place in Nova Scotia or elsewhere that shreds plastic. If plastic is bad and we are trying to reduce new plastic, why not repurpose where we already seem to have plenty?

We may be missing an opportunity here.


Grandma does not mind admitting that she has never grown many flowers. Oh, there were a few perennials around the yard to give colour. Growing a specific plant for a purpose never happened, until this year. I picked up a pack of Zinnia seeds at the dollar store. I knew nothing about zinnias but they were supposed to grow 18 inches. That size would fit in the middle of my planters nicely. I seeded a tray of twelve and ONE plant grew. Oh well, stick it in the ground anyway.

That one plant grew and put out one flower. I was so happy to see this flower open. Then four more side shoots came out with their flowers. Now side shoots come off those side shoots and four more flowers are starting. It is like the plant that just keeps giving.

One of my gardening gurus said, “Plant sunflowers and zinnias to sell at your local Farmer’s Market in the fall.” Now I know why. I am saving seeds but I will be buying zinnia seeds from my seed house and plant them everywhere I can find a bare spot here. This is a tall sturdy plant that just keeps blooming.


Hearts at Church

It’s time to share a little love. Our “Sunday School” is growing from 3 to 5 kids most weeks. Not big numbers you say? That is a 60% increase. I’ll take those numbers.

This Grandma believes in service work. Gone are the days you gathered kids to clean a church or work a bazaar table (at least this year). Kids still play a big part in being the glue in a congregation.

Our kids decorated hearts and gave them out at service.

My process could have been shortened but it worked. First, we found a “6 heart to a page” template from the internet.

We glued the template to dark-coloured construction paper and cut out the hearts. Next, we glued those hearts to the boxboard and cut out the hearts again. Slits were cut around the heart. Using a variety of yarn scraps, we created colours over the hearts (because we each are bright and bring our talents to our group). The yarn sticks in the slits well. Even our 2-year-old played sticking yarn in cardboard slits.

Send the kids out to give hearts away as the service closes. No one refuses a heart from a child. Maybe, we taught and showed that God is love. That’s enough for one Sunday.

Something to Eat

There comes a time when there is still too much cooked chicken left over to use up in sandwiches. There is no easier way to make a “clean-the-fridge” meal. We need a better name so let’s call this

Frugal Chicken Casserole

Leftover or make it become leftover, Cooked chicken

Gravy or soups ( I added cream of chicken but cream of anything works)



A handful of cheese simply because the kids think cheese makes everything good.

Mix it up in a bowl till it looks gooey and bake 25-30 minutes at 350F

Easy, cheap and fast supper.


 God, our Creator of heaven and earth, how blessed we are to be surrounded by the beauty of your creation.
We lift our prayer of gratitude as we see the stars of heaven, and the beauty of the sunset.
We are amazed by the seas and waterways and all that are in them.
We are enchanted by the flowers and trees which are clothed by you.
We are awed by all the animals you created.
For the beauty of the earth, the mountains and valleys, the sun and the moon – we give you praise. – Author Unknown,

 Thank you for joining us this week. Feel free to comment or submit some news. We would love to hear from you!